Multijurisdictional SWAT Team

The T.A.C. team of the Sterling Police Department is made up of eight Sterling Police Officers and two TEM’s (Tactical Emergency Medics) from the Sterling Fire Department. The T.A.C. Team is available and ready for any high risk incident that would require their deployment.

In the fall of 2020 the Chief’s and Sheriff’s of the Brush Police Department, Morgan County Sheriff’s Office, Logan County Sheriff’s Office, Ft. Morgan Police Department and the Sterling Police came together to work on creating a regional team consisting of the mentioned agencies. This will allow for a larger, more specialized team that can handle high risk and critical incidents at even a greater capacity and professionalism that will serve the region. The creation of the team and Intergovernmental agreements were finalized in January 2021, allowing for the team to start the process of building a regional team.

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